Category: Retirement

How To Generate Income After Retirement

Many people that I talk to are worried about generating enough money to maintain their lifestyle after retirement. You have spent your entire life working and saving for retirement, and most likely you put a plan in place to help reach your retirement goals that will generate income in retirement. […]
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Your Attorney, Doctor, Dentist and Your Money

When it comes to making and keeping an appointment with an attorney, doctor or dentist, most people keep it and are on time. They realize that their estate planning, physical health, and teeth are important. Yet, when it comes to learning about investing, many investors are complacent, procrastinate or cancel […]
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Working Longer to Postpone Retirement

If you’re over 50 and concerned that you didn’t save enough for retirement, you may think that you have to or have been advised to work longer. Postponing retirement to 70 will allow you to accumulate more money, pay off debt and collect more money from Social Security. Those who […]
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