Your Attorney, Doctor, Dentist and Your Money

When it comes to making and keeping an appointment with an attorney, doctor or dentist, most people keep it and are on time. They realize that their estate planning, physical health, and teeth are important. Yet, when it comes to learning about investing, many investors are complacent, procrastinate or cancel that important second opinion.

The Three Little Pigs was not only a fairytale, but it was also a lesson in life. One wise pig took action and was safe. The others … you know what happened. Your brick house is the plan you create to keep you and your money away from what will separate you from your money: rising taxes, more market losses, out living your money, nursing homes, high, hidden fees, taking too much risk, hanging on to losing investments and losing income that is lost when a spouse dies.  Those whose future relies solely on stock market returns are like the pigs who did nothing.

No one cares more about your money than you! The best time to have a fresh set of eyes analyze your estate, tax and investment position is now, not later. If you feel that you need a better plan and mix of investments, call Lifeguard Financial today for a complementary second opinion. It won’t take much to get and keep you on track.